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PRODUCT  Low-E only adds about 10% to the cost of an average window package and can offer
HIGHLIGHT: between 35%-105% better insulating value.


DUAL PANE                                    LOW-E                                        LOW-E                 INSIDE
These windows have two panes of glass        Applied to the glass surface, Low-E (low              OUTSIDE
with no special coating applied. The dual    emissivity) is a clear coating that reduces          OUTSIDE
panes of glass are spaced a ½ inch apart,    heat loss by reflecting furnace heat
and the air between the panes acts as an     back into a room. It also allows a large       Minimal amount of         INTERIOR
insulation barrier, making your windows      percentage of outside solar energy to pass     escaped heat              HEAT
more energy efficient.                       through the glass into your home. This        Minimal amount of         INTERIOR
                                             coating is most beneficial in the winter,     escaped heat              HEAT
TRIPLE PANE                                  since the heat provided by the sun can                              Heat reflected back
                                             reduce the demands on your furnace.          SUNSTOP                into your home
A step up from dual pane is triple pane      When combined with dual or triple pane                  OUTSIDE    Heat reflected back
glass. Also spaced a ½ inch apart, these     glass, Low-E can offer between 35%-105%                            into your home
three panes provide more insulation          better insulating values than non Low-E               OUTSIDE
than dual pane when it comes to energy       glass. No other coating has a greater                              INSIDE
efficiency. This helps lower heating costs,  impact on reducing heating bills and                              INSIDE
virtually eliminates condensation and also   improving the overall comfort of a home.
acts as an excellent sound barrier, giving                                                                      Minimal
your home added privacy.                     SUNSTOP                                                            solar heat
ARGON GAS                                    SunStop uses two layers of Low-E coating                          solar heat
                                             over top one another to block out the                             penetration
Argon gas is an inert gas—non-toxic, clear   sun’s heat, light and UV rays. Perfect
and odourless. Used to fill the space        for south and west facing windows,            Solar heat blocked
between panes of glass, argon gas            this coating keeps your home cool and         from entering home
minimizes convective currents that occur     comfortable in the summer to help            Solar heat blocked
between glass panes. This reduces the        reduce air conditioning costs. SunStop       from entering home
tendency for glass to collect frost on cold  also improves the insulation properties of
winter days and improves the insulation      glass to help keep your home warmer in
quality of your windows.                     the winter when compared to clear glass.

DID YOU KNOW? ENERGY STAR® qualified windows can reduce your energy costs by up to 16%.

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