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                                            Building homes with Habitat for Humanity

                                                                                      Edmonton manufacturing plant

All Weather Windows RONA MS Bike Tour Team                                                                          Leading edge airtight, watertight V-weld technology

                                                  Meeting ENERGY STAR®'s highest standards

CARING FOR OUR COMMUNITIES                        MOTHER NATURE ISN’T                                               WINDOW TECHNOLOGY ISN’T
                                                  AN IN-LAW                                                         BORING...TO US
All Weather Windows is
dedicated to supporting a                         Canadian weather may be                                           Our enthusiasm for window
wide variety of charitable                        harsh at times, but we still                                      technology may be hard to
organizations in the                              believe the environment is                                        understand for those who
communities where                                 something that should be                                          don’t live, breathe and eat
we do business.                                   respected.                                                        windows – and we’re willing
                                                                                                                    to bet you don’t eat windows.
Our company has been very fortunate to            We promote sustainable initiatives
have enjoyed years of success, and there’s        by partnering with key environmental                              We're driven to continually develop
no better way to share that success than          organizations and building councils                               innovative solutions that help lower
by giving back to organizations that enrich       like the Canada Green Building Council,                           environmental impact, improve energy
the lives of Canadians. Organizations             Canadian Home Builders’ Associations,                             efficiency, and increase home comfort.
include The Salvation Army, Heart & Stroke        Canadian Standards Association, and Built                         We invest heavily in research and
Foundation, Habitat for Humanity, Terry Fox       Green Canada. We also follow the strictest                        development to create new leading-edge
Foundation and Special Olympics, as well          ENERGY STAR® standards for quality                                products that outperform conventional
as causes like the fight against cancer, ALS,     framing, weatherstripping, and glass                              windows – like our advanced water
cystic fibrosis, autism, and multiple sclerosis.  coating – leaving larger energy savings                           management techniques and machine
                                                  and a smaller environmental footprint.                            welded V-weld technology. Solutions like
                                                  It’s all part of why we’re consistently                           these are what keep us excited about our
                                                  an ENERGY STAR® award winner.                                     work, so you get the latest innovations
                                                                                                                    in windows.

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