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BRICKMOULD                                   and edge of glass, and air leakage heat         U-VALUE
                                             loss. The combined effect is measured in
Attached to the window and covering the      number of watts per square metre and is         A measure of the rate of nonsolar heat flow
gap between your home's exterior and the     either positive or negative. A positive         through a material or assembly. The lower
window frame, it allows you to change out    number represents a net heat gain and           the U-Value, the greater a window’s
your current windows without disturbing      helps in reducing the home’s heating            resistance to heat flow and the better its
the exterior of your home.                   costs. A negative number indicates that         insulating value.
                                             the product loses more energy through
BUILT GREEN CANADA                           heat loss and air infiltration than it gains    VISIBLE LIGHT TRANSMITTANCE
                                             in solar energy absorbed from the sun
Built Green Canada is a third party          (i.e. the home’s heating system has to          The percentage or fraction of the visible light
certification program established in         work harder in colder weather).                 spectrum that is transmitted through the
2003 that promotes environmentally                                                           glass of a window or skylight as reduced by
responsible building practices and           MULLION                                         the sash material and reluctance of the glass.
products. The Built Green name means
All Weather Windows practices resource-      A mullion is the vertical piece that            WARM EDGE SPACER
efficient and environmentally friendly       connects side-by-side units of a window.
construction – providing healthier indoor                                                    Spacers appear around the perimeter of the
air, preserving natural resources and        PASSIVE SOLAR HEAT GAIN                         sealed glazing unit to provide uniform
improving a home’s durability.                                                               separation between the panes of glass in
                                             Solar heat that passes through a                multiple-paned windows. They absorb
CSA CERTIFICATION                            material and is captured naturally,             moisture from the trapped air in the space
                                             not by mechanical means.                        between the glass, preventing fogging
CSA (Canadian Standards Association)                                                         and condensation. A high-performance
provides product testing and certification   RELATIVE HEAT GAIN                              warm edge spacer can increase the
services for a variety of products.                                                          energy efficiency of a window.
Recognized internationally, a CSA            A calculated relationship of heat gain
certification mark indicates that All        (through a window system) that accounts         WEATHERSTRIPPING
Weather Windows’ products have been          for centre-of-glass U-Value and centre-of-
tested by experts, and meet recognized       glass shading coefficient based on a            Weatherstripping is a component of a
standards for safety and performance.        standard inside and outside temperature.        window that provides a seal between
                                                                                             the frame and the sash. It is used to
DOOR JAMB                                    SASH                                            prevent air leakage. The better the
                                                                                             weatherstripping, the better the
For doors, the jamb is the vertical portion  The framework that holds the panes of a         window performance.
of the frame onto which a door is secured.   window in the window frame. Most commonly
The jamb holds the weight of the door        refers to the moving part of a window that      WINDOW JAMBS
through its hinges, making it a significant  opens but is also available in a non-opening
component to the overall durability and      fixed and picture sash window style.            Window jambs are located inside the
security of the door.                                                                        framing of a window, along the top and
                                             SHADING COEFFICIENT                             sides for structural support. Inferior jambs
ER(ENERGY RATING)-RATING                                                                     can be a weak point in a window, allowing
                                             A glass measurement comparing solar heat        for leaks or security concerns.
An ER-rating is derived from solar heat      transmission, related to 1/8 inch clear glass.
gain, heat loss through frames, centre

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