Page 30 - INTEGRITY windows and doors
P. 30

                                         A NEW ANGLE ON STYLE.

                                                                                                      Standard jambs of 4 9/16" (116 mm) and 6 9/16" (167 mm)
                                                                                                      are available factory applied or as an extension kit.
                                                                                                      Consistent, fast delivery applies to even the most unique products.

                                                                                            Enhance your windows by including the unique shapes and sizes
                                                                                            of Integrity® All Ultrex® Polygons. Choose from eight popular
                                                                                            shapes; including rectangles, triangles, pentagons, octagons
                                                                                            and trapezoids. Integrity Polygons are available in sizes up to
                                                                                            49 square feet with a maximum span of 9 feet. So think big and
                                                                                            imagine the possibilities — sidelites, transoms, flankers, unique
                                                                                            assemblies or stand alone units. These windows offer WDMA
                                                                                            Performance Grade 50 Hallmark Certification (PG50), and
                                                                                            same service, delivery, energy efficiency, strength, durability
                                                                                            and options as the rest of the All Ultrex series of products.
                                                                                            So dare to dream with confidence, because unique just got a
                                                                                            whole lot easier.

                                                                     Big views beg for big
                                                                   windows. Polygons are
                                                                   available with lengths of
                                                                 96" and overall dimension

                                                                      of 49 square feet.*

	 *	Polygons maximum size is 72" x 96". When the longest
     leg exceeds 72" the shortest leg cannot exceed 72".

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